Sunday, October 17, 2010

Things to do while you're in Augusta!

If you're here early, here are some things to see and do around the city.

The Augusta Canal Boat Tour and Interpretive Center is definitely a good place to go.  The boat tours are fun.  They give you a bit of Augusta history.  This is open every day of the week.

The Augusta History Museum has some great exhibits.

Augusta State University use to be an armory and has some interesting history too.  The university is located 'on the hill' or in Summerville which has beautiful architecture.  It's the old money part of Augusta.

If you would like to see the boyhood home of the man who brought us such wonders as the Federal Reserve, World War 1 and Eugenics, Woodrow Wilson's house is open for tours.

The Ezekiel Harris House is also quite interesting.

If you don't want to look at houses or read about history, it's fun to take a bike ride on the Augusta Canal tow path.  You can easily get to the canal from my house and I have plenty of bikes.  I fixed a few up specifically for visitors.  The canal is easily accessed from the back end of my neighborhood.  It's also a nice place to take a walk or run.

The Georgia-Carolina State Fair will also be going on at the same time as the wedding.

Since it's close to Halloween there is an interesting spooky play, a 'Spirits of Hallowed Eve' tour in North Augusta

And many other things can be found here!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Invitations and things to do!

We're glad that people are receiving the invitations!

You can send an email with your RSVP and if you are bringing any guests to hamandsoap at

We will be posting about things to do while you're in Augusta soon.  (Museum's to visit, restaurants to try, places to bike or walk, other oddities and fun things to try)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Where We Are Registered

It's pretty awesome that getting married allows us to ask for gifts!  If you would like to give us gift we have we have registered at Wal-Mart and at Sears.

We have both lived on our own and so there are fewer things that we need.  If you would rather you can give a donation to World Vision in your and our names.

We are very excited to see everybody!
Hope and Sam

Friday, September 3, 2010

Where to Stay?

Where should I stay while I'm in Augusta?

Augusta has lots of hotels, many just because of the Masters, however some of them are only nice during the Masters.  But you do have lots to pick from.  Since the wedding will be downtown (the eastern area of Augusta) the hotels we would recommend would be closer to that area.

1. The Partridge Inn is probably the coolest hotel in Augusta.  It's beautiful, historic, and is convenient.  It may be a bit on the pricier side, but if you want your stay to be part of the fun we recommend this hotel.
2. The Marriott is also a very nice hotel in downtown and you could walk to all of the down town attractions while here.  La Maison would be close, but it might be best to take a cab there from the hotel.  It's the only 3.5 star hotel in Augusta so if you are using PriceLine to name a price you could do very well.
3.  The next closest Hotels that we would recommend would be at the 199 exit on I-20, which exits onto Washington Road.  There are lots to choose from and it's an easy drive into downtown.
4.  If you would like to stay very close to the ceremony and reception and would like to stay in a bed and breakfast you may want to check out The Queen Ann Inn..  Like the Partridge Inn it is beautiful and historic, but since it's a bed and breakfast, there are not as many rooms available.

Edit:  We've heard the La Quinta in Augusta is pretty nice.  That's near the Washinton Road exit on I-20

How to get to Augusta?

Are you coming to our wedding?  That's great!  Oh, you live far away?  Well let me help you with getting to Augusta.

You can drive to Augusta, but if you're coming from far away (Kansas City, Philadelphia, Chicago, Platteville, Minneapolis etc.) there are some options.

1.  Drive the whole way here.
2.  Fly direct into Augusta (AGS) on Delta, US Air or American Airlines.  If you do, it's cheapest to fly into Augusta on the last plane and fly out on the first.  Why is this?  It's because it's cheap to keep a plane overnight in Augusta.
3. Fly into Atlanta and drive or ride to Augusta.  Atlanta's a hub for Delta and Airtran, two cheap carriers.  If you are planning on renting a car, it could be a decent deal to do this, but know that it's about a full tank of gas to go from Augusta to Atlanta and back.  Another option is the Augusta-Atlanta Shuttle.  You can fly into Atlanta on the cheapest flight you can and be picked up at the airport by the shuttle.  This could be very cheap.
4. Sign up for the Army.  If you get in the right branch, you might be stationed at Ft. Gordon.  If you're considering this option, please talk to us first.  There are probably other options that we're not listing here that will require less of your time and commitment.

We're Getting Married!

We're getting married!  The service and ceremony will be in the same place, at La Maison in Augusta GA.  The service will start at 5pm October 24th.

You may RSVP by calling either of us (Hope 803-729-5322 or Sam 608-642-0191) or emailing hamandsoap at gmail dot com.

If you have any questions let us know.  We'll try to keep information coming about the wedding and about Augusta so you will know of good places to stay and eat while you are here.